Intro to Excel 2016

Module 1 Intro to Excel 2016

Module 1 Learning Objectives Given a standard IBM-compatible personal computer with Microsoft Excel 2016 installed, after reading the assigned study guide pages as well as watching the instructor-led activity of describing the subject matter on video(s), at the end of the module the student will be able to: ​
  • Identify the major milestones in the evolution of the electronic spreadsheet as shown in the study guide and directed by the instructor
  • Identify the versions of the binary-based first generation of Excel as shown in the study guide and directed by the instructor
  • Identify the versions of the XML-based second generation of Excel as shown in the study guide and directed by the instructor
  • Identify when you have an Excel file opened in the Compatibility Mode as shown in the study guide and directed by the instructor


Intro to Excel 2016 Syllabus Lesson 1 – Definition of Terms Used in Intro to Excel 2016 Preview Lesson 2 – Birth & Evolution of the Electronic Spreadsheet Preview

Module 2 – Intro to Excel 2016

Module 2 Learning Objectives
Given a standard IBM-compatible personal computer with Microsoft Excel 2016 installed, after reading the assigned practice exercise step and/or observing the instructor’s video(s), at the end of the section the student will be able to:
  • Identify the methods used to start Excel using the desktop Excel version and the online Excel version
  • Identify the important features of the various Excel screens, including the Start Screen, the New Screen and the Open Screen
  • Identify the basic parts of the Excel Start Screen as shown in the study guide and directed by the instructor
  • Identify the major parts of the Excel Backstage View
  • Imitate the instructor’s action in accessing the major parts of the Backstage View using a mouse
  • Identify the major parts of an Excel worksheet
  • Imitate the instructor’s action in accessing the major parts of an Excel worksheet using a mouse
  • Identify the major parts of an Excel worksheet Ribbon, including the tabs and icons
  • Imitate the instructor’s action in accessing various Ribbon tabs and icons using a mouse


Lesson 3 – Excel Start Options Preview Lesson 4 – The Backstage View Preview Lesson 5 – Exploring an Excel Worksheet Preview Lesson 6 – The Ribbon Preview Lesson 7 – Contextual Tabs Preview

Module 3 Intro to Excel 2016

Module 3 Learning Objectives
Given a standard IBM-compatible personal computer with Microsoft Excel 2016 installed, after reading the assigned practice exercise step and/or observing the instructor’s video(s), at the end of the section the student will be able to:
  • Identify the important metrics of Excel worksheet specifications as shown in the study guide and directed by the instructor
  • Identify the basic navigation keys used as shown in the study guide and directed by the instructor
  • Imitate the instructor’s action in performing basic navigation on an Excel worksheet using the basic navigation keys
  • Identify the basic mouse symbols that are viewed on an Excel worksheet as shown in the study guide and directed by the instructor
  • Imitate the instructor’s action in recreating the various mouse symbols encountered on an Excel worksheet
  • Identify the basic default icons on the Quick Access Toolbar on an Excel worksheet
  • Imitate the instructor’s steps and actions in adding additional icons to the Quick Access Toolbar on an Excel worksheet


Lesson 8 – Excel Basic Information Preview Lesson 9 – Mouse Symbols in Excel Preview Lesson 10 – Quick Access Toolbar & Mini Toolbar Preview

Module 4 Intro to Excel 2016

Module 4 Learning Objectives
Given a standard IBM-compatible personal computer with Microsoft Excel 2016 installed, after reading the assigned practice exercise step and/or observing the instructor’s video(s), at the end of the section the student will be able to:
  • Imitate the instructor’s action in basic navigation movements among the columns, rows, and cells on an Excel worksheet using a keyboard and a mouse (Practice Ex. 1)
  • Imitate the instructor’s action in data entry into a worksheet cell using a keyboard and observe the cell interaction with the formula bar (Practice Ex. 2)
  • Imitate the instructor’s action in adjustments to the worksheet’s column widths and row heights using a mouse (Practice Ex. 3)
  • Imitate the instructor’s action in adjustments to the worksheet’s column widths and row heights using icons on the Ribbon (Practice Ex. 4)
  • Imitate the instructor’s action in changes to recent steps made using the Undo and Redo icons on the Quick Access Toolbar (Practice Ex. 5)
  • Imitate the instructor’s action in insertion and deletion of columns on a worksheet using icons on the Ribbon (Practice Ex. 6)
  • Imitate the instructor’s action in insertion and deletion of columns on a worksheet using a mouse (Practice Ex. 6)
  • Imitate the instructor’s action in various cell formatting changes to data in worksheet cells using the Ribbon Font and Alignment sections (Practice Ex. 7)
  • Imitate the instructor’s action in entering the SUM, AVERAGE, MAX, MIN formulas with AutoFill & AutoSum features (Practice Ex. 8)
  • Imitate the instructor’s action in entering absolute referencing with formulas to calculate salesperson % of total quarterly sales (Practice Ex. 9)


Lesson 11 – Basic Navigation in Excel Worksheets Preview Lesson 12 – Basic Data Entry and Editing in Excel Worksheets Preview Lesson 13 – Column Width & Row Height Adjustments Preview Lesson 14 – Inserting & Deleting Columns and Rows Preview Lesson 15 – Apply Formatting Controls to Data Preview Lesson 16 – Use Formulas with AutoFill & AutoSum Features Preview Lesson 17 – Use Absolute Referencing to Calculate Preview

Module 5 – Intro to Excel 2016

​Module 5 Learning Objectives
Given a standard IBM-compatible personal computer with Microsoft Excel 2016 installed, after reading the assigned practice exercise step and/or observing the instructor’s video(s), at the end of the module the student will be able to:
  • Imitate the instructor’s action in the creation of an Excel chart on an Excel worksheet produced from an Excel range (Practice Ex. 10)
  • Imitate the instructor’s action in the formatting of numbers using the Ribbon on an Excel worksheet (Practice Ex. 11)
  • Imitate the instructor’s action in the saving of an Excel workbook to a folder (Practice Ex. 12)
  • Imitate the instructor’s action in the addition of a header and footer on an Excel worksheet (Practice Ex. 13)
  • Imitate the instructor’s action in pre-printing activities using Page Setup on an Excel worksheet (Practice Ex. 14)
  • Imitate the instructor’s action in pre-printing activities using Print Preview on an Excel worksheet (Practice Ex. 14)
  • Imitate the instructor’s action in pre-printing activities using Page Break Preview on an Excel worksheet (Practice Ex. 14)


Lesson 18 – Creating a Chart Preview Lesson 19 – Formatting Numbers Preview Lesson 20 – Saving a Workbook Preview Lesson 21 – Add a Header/Footer to a Worksheet Preview Lesson 22 – Preparing a Workbook for Printing Preview Lesson 23 Excel Online (Excel for the Web)