Module 2 – Intro to Excel 2016

Module 2

2.1 Excel Start Options

​2.2 The Backstage View

2.2.1 Excel Options Dialog Box

2.3 Exploring the Excel Worksheet Screen

2.4 The Ribbon

2.5 Contextual Tabs / Customizing the Ribbon

Module 2 Learning Objectives
Given a standard IBM-compatible personal computer with Microsoft Excel 2016 installed, after reading the assigned practice exercise step and/or observing the instructor’s video(s), at the end of the section the student will be able to:

  • Identify the methods used to start Excel using the desktop Excel version and the online Excel version
  • Identify the important features of the various Excel screens, including the Start Screen, the New Screen and the Open Screen
  • Identify the basic parts of the Excel Start Screen as shown in the study guide and directed by the instructor
  • Identify the major parts of the Excel Backstage View
  • Imitate the instructor’s action in accessing the major parts of the Backstage View using a mouse
  • Identify the major parts of an Excel worksheet
  • Imitate the instructor’s action in accessing the major parts of an Excel worksheet using a mouse
  • Identify the major parts of an Excel worksheet Ribbon, including the tabs and icons
  • Imitate the instructor’s action in accessing various Ribbon tabs and icons using a mouse